Whether your staff are in a purely service role, or you are building a culture of selling through service, we have the modules to take your customer experience to the next level. Uncovering the Why is the spark that ignites the passion for service, so this is where we start.

Professional Selling Skills is a two day Sales program aimed at changing the mindset of your sales force to focus more on building long-term sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with clients and less on single transactions.

The course is highly interactive and provides opportunity for practice and feedback.

“What I appreciate most about my experience working with both of you over these past few weeks is the humble way in which you impart your depth of experience in learning and development and your genuine interest in creating the best, most sustainable learning experience for all you engage with.”

“The Learn to Lead team delivered our training with an enormous amount of passion and enthusiasm. Throughout the process they participated with full commitment to what we were trying to achieve, to the extent that you wouldn’t have guessed where Learn to Lead finished and VASA began! Everyone operated as one team. The sessions were relevant, interactive and immense fun. I doubt we would have achieved such a successful launch without these training interventions. We will definitely engage their services again in future training events and confidently recommend their services to other organizations in need of innovative and interactive training.”

“The Learn to Lead team surprised us again. We asked them to custom develop a course for Clicks, which covers both Selling Skills and Customer Service basics. Learn to Lead ensured that they knew and understood our strategy, culture and market research before they approached the development of the course. We received a program that was user-friendly, Clicks-specific and completely experiential – the ingredients that make for a successful learning experience. We are impressed with their dedication and ability to meet our company-specific needs. Their commitment, professionalism and delivery were outstanding. On a personal level: I particularly appreciated the integrity and flexibility with which they dealt with the training setup, delivery and closure. Thank you to the Learn to Lead team!”

“Offering something new and experiential gets people’s attention and keeps them interested. The result is that they open up more, lower their barriers and take in more. The ultimate outcome is the retention of knowledge… The entire process also contributed to a heightened level of team work… We were very impressed with the ability and professionalism of Learn to Lead.”